Data Privacy Consulting

Data Privacy Consulting

Adaah is a leading data privacy and protection consulting firm dedicated to assisting businesses in achieving and maintaining compliance with global data protection regulations. With our team of experienced privacy professionals, we provide tailored solutions to address the unique data privacy challenges faced by organizations of all sizes and industries. Our privacy consulting service portfolio includes:
Privacy Assessments
Evaluate the privacy risks associated with your data processing activities and identify measures to mitigate them. Our Privacy Impact Assessments help you proactively manage privacy risks and demonstrate your commitment to responsible data handling.
Privacy Policy Review
Craft clear, comprehensive, and compliant privacy policies tailored to your organization’s specific needs.
  • Review and update of existing policies.
  • Drafting and revision of privacy policies and procedures.
Third Party Privacy Review
In today’s interconnected business landscape, third-party vendors and service providers often have access to sensitive personal data, making them a potential source of privacy risks and vulnerabilities. We evaluate and manage the data privacy practices of their third-party vendors to ensure compliance with data protection regulations and mitigate privacy risks.
  • Vendor privacy risk assessment
  • Vendor privacy agreement and contract review
  • Ongoing vendor management and compliance management
  • Vendor privacy and security training
  • Vendor incident and breach response planning
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